2755 Newcastle Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

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Ranked No.2 In Utah
Albion School Community Council Minutes August 31, 2022
Albion Media Center 4:00pm

Members Present: Dr. M. Hart, Mr. J. Matagi, Ms. R. Jewell, Ashley Anderson, Rachel Bills, Katie Dahle, Emily Decker, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Melinda Rosevear, Cherie Sadowski, Kim Steenblik, Kevin Taylor, and Kim Wedlick.

Excused: Michelle Schmidt and Sarah Allred


1. Call to Order – Cherie Sadowski, conducting

Motion to approve agenda – Kevin and Katie, passed unanimously

Welcome and Introductions

2. SCC Business

Updated District SCC Training Sessions schedule will be emailed to members.

Training is required annually for all SCC members.

Albion SCC Officers that were nominated and elected:

  • Secretary – Pat Passey Motion-Cherie, 2nd Emily, Passed
  • Chairman – Cherie Sadowski    Motion-Kim, 2nd Ashley, Passed
  • Vice-Chairman – Kevin Taylor Motion-Kevin, 2nd Cherie, Passed


The SCC Website will be maintained by Bridget Reese, IMC specialist


Copies of the Albion SCC Bylaws, and Rules of Order and Procedure were distributed to all SCC members present.


Proposed SCC Meeting dates for this academic year are: Sept. 21, Oct. 26, December 7, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, and April 26 at 4:00 pm in the IMC.


Our Staff Recognition Subcommittee includes: Emily, Katie, Melinda and Kim. Two to three times per year a yeti tumbler and certificate will be awarded.


3. Principal Report

Dr. Hart reported that some of Albion’s Land Trust funds and/ or TSSP funds are being used for: salaries for two interventionists, several teacher aides, stipends for teachers hosting tutoring in subjects after school, teachers enrolling in micro-credential classes, PBIS rewards for students and other activities.


Dr. Hart reported that Albion is fully staffed. Also, Reading Inventory and Math Inventory testing has been completed and a report will be given to the SCC at our next meeting.


4. Counselor Report

Ms. Jewell reported that the counseling staff is visiting classrooms to present life-skills lessons. The counselors have worked with multiple students having academic, behavioral and/or mental health concerns since school began. Also, the students’ Chromebooks include the Safe UT app and all other apps necessary to be successful at Albion. Personal phones aren’t necessary.


5. Closing Comments & Adjournment

Discussion of providing a Buddy Table at lunch and/or a buddy for new students took place. Options for students needing a quiet place after lunch include a pass to sit in the Commons area or in the IMC.


Motion to Adjourn at 5:15pm by Pat, 2nd- Kim, Passed

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org