Good Knight! Albion Middle is heralding their choice for the school’s 2023 Teacher of the Year: Nicole Rudes. Principal Dr. Molly Hart says Rudes is a remarkable teacher who has been praised by the community, parents, and fellow teachers for her exceptional teaching skills, kindness, and dedication to her students.
Her lessons are well-organized and her Canvas page is immaculate, making it easy for parents to access and review class materials. Nicole has a well-earned reputation for helping her students succeed and she is often at the school after hours, allowing students to retake tests or work with them to improve their math skills.
Her positive can-do attitude is contagious, and she is always willing to help her colleagues, new teachers, and staff members. For being selected, she received gifts and prizes from the Canyons Education Foundation and is Albion’s nominee for the CSD overall Teacher of the Year.
The Canyons Board of Education will announce the winner at a 7 p.m. ceremony on Tuesday, April 25. The event, which will be live-streamed on CSDtv, will be at HIllcrest High.