2755 Newcastle Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

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Ranked No.2 In Utah

Albion School Community Council Minutes

November 28, 2023

Albion Media Center, 4:00pm


Members Present: Mr. Eric Gardner, Ms. Amanda Parker, Ms. Reagan Jewell,

Ms. Bailee Monteiro, Ms. Stephanie Nasser, Kim Steenblik, Rachel Bills, Cristina Cook, Emily Decker, Anna Evensen, Wes Novak, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Michelle Schmidt, Lindsey Tait, and Kevin Taylor

Excused: Ashley Anderson, Stephanie Lewis




Call to order: Kim Steenblik, SCC Chair

Motion to approve agenda: Emily D., 2nd Lindsey T., Passed

Motion to approve minutes of 9-19-23: Stephanie N, 2nd Anna E., Passed


SCC Business:

  • The teacher recognition committee felt the presentations to teachers was effective doing the teachers in their grade-level assembly.   
  • Next meeting dates: January 23, February 20, March 19 and April 23.


Principal Report:

  • Albion had 79% of their students score Proficient or higher on the Reading Inventory, and 62% on the Math Inventory at the end of the 2022-23 school year. A different assessment tool will be used beginning next fall. The website: Utah State Board of Education – Data Gateway publishes scores from schools throughout the state. Albion students showed significant growth on the English/Language Arts test and the Science test. Albion has 29 English Language learners with educational needs our staff is working to serve.
  • US News reported Abion as #2 in the state for Best Middle Schools.
  • As authorized by the SCC, Principal Gardner is using some of our Land Trust and TSSP funds for incentives and rewards for Albion students and staff. Albion now has eight new bistro tables in the cafeteria for students who like to stand while eating. New rectangular desks have been ordered for several classrooms.
  • Student incentives include:
  • In January, the grade level of students that show the most growth on the Math Inventory will go on a field trip to the Kung Fu Panda movie on March 8. Students from the other two grades showing growth will be treated to an ice cream party at lunch.
  • In February good behavior will be rewarded with teacher hosted activities that students can enjoy.
  • April rewards will be for students on-time to classes 2nd – 6th periods during the target dates.
  • Discussion followed on incentives and/or activities for the last week of school that PTA could help sponsor. It was also suggested that Chromebook check-in be delayed as late as possible to keep students engaged in educational activities. SCC members need to encourage their neighbors to delay summer parties until after the last day of school.
  • Stephanie Nasser reported on the National Conference of English teachers that she and three other teachers attended. It was highly motivating and offered many new approaches to the curriculum. It is hoped that in 2024-25 Albion can have an All Community Read Event where all teachers, students and staff would read and be able to discuss a novel. Albion would need the donations for the 400 books needed for classroom sets. Watch for more information on Parent Square about this event.


Counselor Report:

  • Planning for College and Career Readiness meetings have been completed for eighth grade students and their parents. These allow students to look at academic classes available in high school.
  • Albion is restructuring the conference room to provide a wellness room for students who need a break to reduce their anxiety.



Motion by Kevin T, 2nd Michelle S., Passed at 5:00pm.

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