When? December 6-17
Teams? Camelot vs. Excalibur (6-8th combined). You will belong to whatever team your Social Studies teacher is on.
What is it? A competition between the two teams where points are earned and prizes are won! The winning team will get a prize and activity on December 17th.
Why are we doing this? The goal of the JOUST is to improve Albion culture and community, emphasize PRROS behavior, and participate in serving our community through the cereal drive.
How do I get points? Points are awarded for following the PRROS, being on time to class, having no missing work and no zeros, practicing good lunchroom behavior, showing school spirit during dress up week, completing a book on the reading challenge, decorating a classroom door, and doing service through the cereal drive.
Teacher Tortures? Students may use the goblets they earn to vote for which teachers get tortured during the assembly on December 17th! Having your name in their box will give you a chance to be drawn to participate in the assembly.
As we’re focusing in on following the PRROS throughout the school, do you have a teacher or a staff member that should be recognized for following the PRROS too? Think of this as your opportunity to give the teachers and staff members a Goblet of Goodness for what they’ve done for you. The teachers will see these recognitions. Take a second to recognize the PRROS for the people who help make the school run. Click here!
The Library Joust Challenge