It’s the parenting dilemma of the digital age: How do we encourage our children to take advantage of all that technology affords while protecting them from the documented dangers of too much screen time? How do we model a healthy use of technology when we, too, fight the allure of smart phones and social media?
At Canyons District, the safe and responsible use of technology — or, good digital citizenship — is promoted every day in our classrooms, and it’s not just about teaching students to safely navigate the Internet. We empower students to put their smartphones, tablets and computers to best use to explore the world, gain knowledge and connect — and we invite parents to participate.
October has been designated Think Safe Month in Canyons District, which kicks off with Digital Citizenship Week, Oct. 14-16. CSD’s Internet safety effort started with School Community Councils, which have been given statutory responsibilities regarding digital citizenship in their respective schools — responsibilities that are now growing to encompass other safety measures.
A Guide to Online Safety A Guide to Online Safety provides tips, statistics, and talking points to help you get started in your family discussions.