Albion’s debate team competed in “The Snow Brawl” debate tournament on Thursday, January 16, against teams from our district and from all over the state.
These debaters were awarded these honors because they beat 90% of literally hundreds of competitors. Congratulations to these debaters on placing in the top 10%, in addition to qualifying for May’s final state tournament!
Policy Debate
4th Place Team- Ansley Phillips and Mia Potter
6th Place- Eddie Gardner
9th Place Team- Kosti Tsandes and Gabe Rodriguez
Extemporaneous Speaking
3rd Place- Will Rogers
4th Place- Myah Ingebritson
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
3rd Place- Karst Plante
16th Place- Chelsea Peterson
Oratory Speaking
8th Place- Zoe Milner
10th Place- JT Anderson
18th Place- Chase Ashworth