2755 Newcastle Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

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Ranked No.2 In Utah

Emalee Brown–Albion Middle School Teacher of the Year 2019-20

On any given day of the week, Emalee Brown makes Albion Middle better. In her Family and Consumer Science classroom, she may be leading her students as they plan a menu and market their own food trucks. Down the hallway, she may be pulling costumes for the school’s musical, or attending one of the school’s many after-school rehearsals. She might give some guidance to the Student Body Officers, as their sponsor, and make sure they are on top of the school’s cereal drive for low-income elementary students over winter break. At the end of it all, Brown is supportive to both her students and her peers, and for these reasons, Albion Middle has chosen Emalee Brown as the 2019 Teacher of the Year.

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