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Albion School Community Council Minutes

February 18, 2025

Albion Media Center, 4:00pm


Members Present: Mr. Eric Gardner, Mr. Jon Hellwig, Ms. Bailee Monteiro, Ms. Stephanie Nasser, Ms. Cathy Nelson, Kim Steenblik, Rachel Bills, Cristina Cook, Anna Evensen, Kimball High, Brion Johansen, Stephanie Lewis, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Melinda Rosevear, Christie Taylor & Kim Wedlick

Excused: Ashley Anderson & Stephanie Lewis    Absent: Emily Decker

Visitor: Wes Novack






Call to Order: Kim Steenblik, SCC Chair

Motion to approve agenda: Pat P, 2nd Stephanie N.  Passed

Motion to approve minutes: Kimball H. 2nd Cathy Nelson   Passed


SCC Business:

  1. The Noble Knight assembly was on February 13. We thank Ms. Lauren Nielsen who is responsible for producing an impressive program featuring slides of the award recipients and our student talent.
  2. Future Albion SCC meetings are on March 18, when we will sign the Landtrust and CSIP proposals, and on April 22.


Principal Report:

  1. No Tech Tuesdays are proving successful in engaging students with each other during lunchtime with a variety of activities.
  2. Nasser is involving students, parents, and faculty in the All Community Read events during the next couple of weeks. Student essays and art projects are being collected. The assembly with the author, Daniel Nayeri will be on March 11 at 9:00.
  3. The 6th grade enjoyed their reading improvement reward activity at Classic Fun Center.
  4. Gardener distributed papers detailing the progress of Albion students on the winter MAP testing. He was proud to announce that Albion had the highest scores in Canyons District for both growth and achievement in Reading/Language Arts. We also had the highest achievement scores in mathematics. Awesome work by Albion’s teachers and students! Albion has the largest number of boundary permit requests of any middle school in the district.
  5. Gardner also prepared a handout of the proposed 2025-26 School Goals and Budget expenditures. Academic goals were written for both reading and mathematics plus a citizenship goal was presented. It was noted that, overall as incentives have increased, the office referrals are lower and student attendance has improved. We reviewed the proposed 2025-26 budgets for both TSSP and Landtrust funds. Mr. Gardner explained in detail each line item in the budget for the our consideration.


Counselor Report

Ms. Nelson deferred her report due to a lack of time.


PTA Report

Jessica Pohlman had no items that needed consideration.


Closing and Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Anna E., 2nd Bailee M., Passed at 4:55pm.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org