Albion School Community Council Minutes
January 25, 2023
Albion Media Center
Members Present: Ms Amanda Parker, Mrs. Robyn Holyoak, Mr. Dante Ross, Cherie Sadowski, Kevin Taylor, Sarah Allred, Rachel Bills, Katie Dahle, Emily Decker, Patricia Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Melinda Rosevear, Michelle Schmidt, Kim Steenblik, Kim Wedlick.
Excused: Dr. Molly Hart, and Ashley Anderson
- Call to Order – Cherie Sadowski, conducting
- Motion to approve agenda – Sarah A., 2nd Kevin T, Passed
- Motion to approve December minutes – Emily D., 2nd Sarah A, Passed
2. General Business –
- Educator of Excellence Award nomination forms will go out to parents this week. Next Noble Knight assembly is February 7. Emily Decker will represent the SCC at that presentation.
- SCC members should check the school and state SCC websites for accurate contact information.
- Eighth graders are invited to the Brighton Bengal Fair on February 8 and/or the Hillcrest Husky Fair on January 31.
- Remaining SCC meeting dates for 2022-23 are February 22, March 29, and April 26.
3. Principal Report – Given by Amanda Parker, Albion Vice-Principal
- The final report for the 2021-22 TSSP and Land Trust expenditures is due at the end of this month.
- The school data for the mid-year math and reading inventories is being compiled now. The reading inventory is showing improvement. The mid-year math inventory is showing significant growth in scores.
- Many parents appreciated the message from Albion reminding parents and students that personal technology devices (phones etc.) are to be kept out of sight during classroom hours. Chrome Books are the only acceptable electronic devices to be used in class. We discussed that significant problems are appearing at the high school level regarding misuse of phones to photograph tests. We may need to remind the students about the long-term effects of dishonesty.
4. Six Albion teachers/staff are enrolled in the ELL course being offered by the University of Utah.
5. A copy of the Safe Walking Routes Map was distributed to SCC members.
- Most of the routes have been established for several years. The intersection of Newcastle Drive and Quail Hollow Drive continues to be a problem. A suggestion was made wondering if a curb cut could be made in the northwest corner of the Albion parking lot by the water department property. If that could be an entrance only access, then the existing exit out the center of the lot would still function well. A crosswalk in that area would be very helpful also.
6. Counselor Report – Ms Reagan Jewell
- High school course selection information is coming up with a visit from Brighton counseling department. The elementary fifth graders and their parents are invited to visit Albion next week. A discussion followed about the Brighton trimester schedule. Many of the Albion SCC expressed a desire to have Brighton on a semester plan to allow students more class options. The parents requested a new, non-biased survey regarding the trimester vs. semester option.
7. Faculty Report –
- The idea of a program like Mindful Mondays at Indian Hills Middle School encourages one tech-free day each week. This idea will be discussed with the Building Leadership Team.
- School choice permits for Albion will be available in early March.
8. Closing –
- Motion to adjourn 4:55 pm by Katie D, 2nd Michelle S, Passed