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Albion School Community Council Minutes

November 19, 2024

Albion Media Center 4:00pm


Members Present: Mr. Eric Gardner, Ms. Amanda Parker, Ms. Bailee Monteiro, Ms. Stephanie Nasser, Ms. Cathy Nelson, Kim Steenblik-chair, Ashley Anderson, Cristina Cook, Emily Decker, Anna Evensen, Kimball High, Brion Johansen, Stephanie Lewis, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman Lindsey Tait, & Kim Wedlick.  Excused: Rachel Bills. Absent: Melinda Rosevear & Christie Taylor

Visitor: Mindy Robinson, CSD Middle Schools Director 



Call to order: Kim Steenblik, SCC Chair

Motion to approve agenda: Emily D., 2nd Pat P.

Motion to approve minutes of 10/15/2024: Cathy N., 2nd Jessica P.


SCC Business:

  1. The teacher recognition committee was pleased with the teachers and staff honored at the Noble Knight assembly on November 12.
  2. No SCC meeting is scheduled for December or January. Our future meetings are on: February 18, March 18, April 22, and May 20, 2025.
  3. Albion SCC appreciates the significant effort of parent Kimball High for his Traffic Mitigation presentation. His power point project will be submitted to the district. It includes the construction of a two- lane roadway at the north end of Albion’s parking lot. We may want to invite a representative from the district’s transportation department to visit some day soon. Obtaining permits from both Sandy City and Canyons District would be required.


Principal’s Report:

  1. About 800 of Albion’s 950 students are being rewarded for having less than five missing assignments in the November challenge. Treats and other activities will reward them.
  2. In January students will take the second round of the NWEA Map Reading test. This test measures progress in many areas of literacy. The grade showing the most growth from the fall test will be rewarded with a field trip to Classic Fun Center.
  3. The final report for Albion’s Landtrust plan from 2023-2024 will be submitted soon. It’s possible the goals for math and reading were accidentally transposed in the original document.
  4. The use of cell phones and other technology, particularly during lunch, generated much discussion and a wide variety of points of views. The state legislature (a bill sponsored by Fillmore and Welton) may take the cell phone decision away from us, but we are looking at local options for now. Some schools have a “Mindful Monday” where phones are off all day at school. Albion faculty supported the idea of doing this one day each week beginning in January. It was suggested that we collect games and other activity ideas that would engage the students during lunchtime.


Counselor Report:

PCCR meetings with 8th graders and their parents are in progress now.


PTA Report:

  1. PTA would like to sponsor an annual community event. They felt the Fall Festival was better received than having a carnival. Community input regarding these events is welcome.
  2. A volunteer to chairman White Ribbon Week is being sought.


Closing and Adjournment:

Kim Wedlick requested that an item for the next SCC agenda be added. The topic would include having more peer tutors for the new EEC (Ms Evan’s) students. Tutors for Ms. Fackrell’s class have been in place for a couple of years, and that program could be expanded.   


Motion to dismiss at 5:15pm was made by Kimball H. and seconded by Anna Evensen. Passed.






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