Albion School Community Council Minutes
October 26, 2022
Albion Media Center, 4:00pm
Members Present: Dr. Molly Hart, Mr. Justin Matagi, Ms. Reagan Jewell, Mr. Dante Ross, Cherie Sadowski, Kevin Taylor, Sarah Allred, Ashley Anderson, Rachel Bills, Katie Dahle, Emily Decker, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Melinda Rosevear, Michelle Schmidt, and Kim Steenblik.
Excused: Mrs. Robyn Holyoak, Kim Wedlick
Visitor: Cindy Hansen, CSD Middle School Director
- Call to Order – Cherie Sadowski, conducting
- Motion to approve September minutes and the agenda: Kim S. & Kevin T. Passed. Visitor, Cindy Hansen, CSD Middle School Director was introduced.
- New name cards are needed for: Robyn Holyoak, Amanda Parker, and Reagan Jewell
- General Business
- Several nominations were received for the Educator of Excellence awards. Three teachers and one staff member will be honored at the Noble Knights assembly on November 1. They will receive an Albion tumbler filled with treats and a certificate being prepared by Melinda R.
- SCC members should try to attend the online SCC Town Hall on Wednesday, November 2, from 6-7pm. Look for an announcement about this.
- Future meeting dates are: Dec.7, Jan. 25, Feb.22, Mar 29, and April 26.
- Principal Report
- Land Trust monies are being used to pay substitutes while faculty buddies visit other classrooms in and outside of Albion. Most teachers are very appreciative of the opportunity to get new ideas and plan how to implement them.
- Albion is in the interview process for an additional intervention aide.
- At the next meeting input will be sought on a school safety priority. (The four- way stop by school is already being worked on. Sandy City doesn’t fund crossing guards for middle schools.) Positive behavior choices and/or mental health may be considered. Albion will plan to focus on digital citizenship for a month in conjunction with the Mastering Middle School lessons.
- Albion received an overall grade of “A” on the state report card. Our achievement and growth categories both were exemplary. We had a 93% average attendance for 2021-22. The English language learner score was satisfactory, and we will focus further in this area. We have about 16 students in this category, with six now attending a special intervention class. Some of the funds available to the SCC may be used to stipend teachers who want to attend ELL trainings. Complete information is at the site:
- Counselor Report
High school course planning is being done with 8th graders and their parents on a scheduled basis. We are hopeful of having some SCC parents helping when Brighton High comes to Albion for schedule planning.
5. Faculty Report
- Albion had 43% of students represented at in-person and zoom parent-teacher conferences. The SCC was supportive of how both options were available for parents, and they were pleased with the results. A few meetings of an academic team with a struggling student and their parents were held. These seemed to be very productive.
- Discussion was held about a possible mid-year “Bring your Parents to School” night where class expectations may be reviewed. PBIS points could be awarded to students who attend. Also, several parents need to be reminded of how to connect on Skyward, for grades, and Canvas for assignments. The Skyward page also includes a Food Service section where lunch money may be deposited.
6. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Katie D, second Emily D. Passed 5:05pm