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Albion School Community Council Minutes September 21, 2022

Albion Media Center 4:00pm

Members Present: Dr. Molly Hart, Ms. Amanda Parker, Ms. Reagan Jewell, Ms. Robyn Holyoak, Mr. Dante Ross, Cherie Sadowski, Kevin Taylor, Sarah Allred, Rachel Bills, Katie Dahle, Emily Decker, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Melinda Rosevear, Michelle Schmidt, Kim Steenblik, Kim Wedlick

Excused: Ashley Anderson

1. Call to Order –Cherie Sadowski, conducting

  • Motion to approve August minutes and today’s agenda: Katie and Michelle S.


  • An updated roster of Albion SCC members was Please note the correct spelling of Rachel Bills first name.

2. SCC Business

  • September 27 is the final date available for SCC members to attend the required CSD training Everyone should also watch SCC 101 available online at https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/training/
  • Educator of Excellence nominations will be available through Parent Square after conferences are held next week.
  • AlbionSCC@gmail.com is the contact address for our messages
  • Meeting dates for SCC are: 26, Dec. 7, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, Apr.26

3. Principal Report

Updated information indicates that the funds available through Albion TSSP are about double of what had been anticipated. Discussion was held as to how this money could best be used. Ideas included: hiring another intervention aide, paying for field trip buses and funding additional days to hire substitutes so teachers can attend professional trainings, visit schools implementing unique programs, purchase additional materials, obtain micro-credentials, earn ELL endorsements etc.

  • It’s desirable to provide options of extension learning for students in the area formerly called Gifted and Talented. Funds could be used to train teachers and purchase enrichment materials for these programs.
  • A straw poll was taken of the Albion SCC members, there was unanimous support for expenditures in these areas.
  • Hart distributed Albion’s Math and Reading Inventory, Fall 2022-2023 Baseline Data to SCC members.
  • Albion appreciates and welcomes local businesses willing to sponsor or donate products that can be passed on to reward student and teachers.
  • Parents are welcome to attend Parent-Teacher conferences next week to develop a partnership for the success of their student at Albion.

4. Counselor Report

  • Visits and lessons presented to classrooms continue to encourage positive self- image and problem solving in conflict situations. The SafeUT app is endorsed.
  • Reagan Jewell will email SCC members their lesson “4-Year High School Course Planning”. SCC members with students currently at Brighton are encouraged to review the materials and note additional ideas.

5. Faculty Report

Attendance problems continue to be an issue with several students. This year seems to be off to a smooth start.

6.   Adjournment

5:10 pm Motion by Katie D., second by Sarah A.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org