Albion debaters competed in their first tournament of the year on October 24. These students were given an award because they beat out 90% of their competitors. Congratulations Albion debaters!
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- FIRST PLACE Speaker- Everett Bollinger
- 4th Place- Elyse Walker
- 4th Place Speaker- Christian Hatch
- 5th Place- Will Clayton
- 7th Place- Teagan Kay
Extemporaneous Speaking
- FIRST PLACE- Jordan Dowdle
- 4th Place- Miranda Riquelme
Policy Debate
- 4th Place Speaker- Mia Potter
- 5th Place Team- Carson Janke & John Rosevear
- 7th Place Team- Gabriel Rodriguez & Kosti Tsandes
- 11th Place Speaker- Raphael Ferreira
- 12th Place Team- Jack Peterson and Eddie Gardner
Oratory Speaking
- 7th Place- Eliza Zimmerman