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Albion TSSA Plan 2019-2020

 Albion Middle School has been allocated $103,586 for the Teacher Student Success Act (TSSA) allocation. The TSSA allocation will be used to implement programs and provide services to further meet the goals stated in the Land Trust Plan:

  1. In SY 2019-20, each student will increase their Reading Inventory lexile score by the “Annual Expected Growth” from fall to spring.
  2. In SY 2019-20, each student will increase their Math Inventory score by the “Annual Expected Growth” from fall to spring.
  3. The percentage of students on track for “Quarterly GPA” (percentage of students with 2.5 or higher) will increase from 86% to 91% by the end of SY 2019-20.

Plan for Funds

  1. Interventionists
    • Supports CSIP goals 1, 2, 3
      • Funds will be used to hire two full-time specialists to assist with interventions both academic and social to support student success in the classroom. (2 Interventionists at $33,000 each = $66,000)
      • Chromebook cart with Chromebooks for the Intervention room ($9,000)
  2. Writing/Reading Supports
    • Supports CSIP goal 1 and 3
      • Funds will be used to purchase Newsela to support close reading of leveled informational texts in all subject areas ($10,000)
      • Various content-specific informational materials and novel sets ($5,386)
  3. Impact Teams Professional Development
    • Supports CSIP goals 1, 2, 3
      • Funds will be used to pay ELA, Math and Special Education department teachers for an additional planning day in summer to compensate for lost day during pre-planning. ($4,200)
      • Substitutes for training days 2-5 ($8,000)
  4. Social Emotional Curriculum
    • Supports goal 3
      • Funds will be used to pay for Inner Explorer curriculum ($1,000)

Total money spent: $103,586

School Community Council input was solicited at the regular SCC meetings on March 27, 2019 and April 24, 2019, and also at a special meeting called May 29, 2019.  Prior to these meetings, Albion faculty and administration were given opportunities to make suggestions, ask questions, and comment. TSSA funds were discussed at Building Leadership team meetings on April 16, 2019 and May 7, 2019. School Community Council and PTA members were given the opportunity to comment, ask questions and suggest options in person and via email. 

SCC Member




Sarah Allred

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Ashley Anderson

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Julie Clawson

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Mila Gleason

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Molly Hart

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Grant Langston

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Cristina Miller

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Tracy Morris

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Stephanie Nasser

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Cherie Sadowski

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Mary Simao

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Cheryl Simmons

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Jessica Singer

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



Kim Steenblik

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan



LeRoy Vea

‚  I agree with the plan

‚  I disagree with the plan




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