2755 Newcastle Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

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Ranked No.2 In Utah

Albion Middle School Community Council

March 30, 2022 @ 4:00 PM MINUTES


1.    Call to Order – Vice-Chair Misty Milner conducting, Cherie Sadowski excused

  • Motion to Approve Agenda – Kim and Michelle, passed unanimously
  • Motion to Approve February minutes – Kevin and Katie, passed unanimously

2.    SCC Business

  • Meeting calendar for the year: April 27
  • Yeti’s have been ordered for the teacher/staff awards! We will start with the 4th quarter this year and continue the program moving Update – Yeti’s have not yet arrived, we will start recognition program in the fall
    • How are teachers chosen: Form on website and TOTY nominations
    • Private donation is paying for Yeti’s
  • Review next year’s TSSP and Land Trust plans – signature page
    • TSSP rules by district
    • Land Trust rules by Land Trust people and must touch students
    • Goals-individual student growth in Math and Reading Inventory scores, students on track for graduation, and GPA increase from 83% to 85%
    • Budget- 2 certified teachers for interventionist (1 teaching an intervention class and 1 working with students as needed), 1 counseling intern, teacher content planning, 1 micro credential for each teacher toward teacher license renewal, classroom aides (1 full time aide in counseling center, 5 aides at 28 hours a week), Membean vocabulary program, Quizlet, district will pay for Newsela next year, website improvement (Ms. Rees and one other), PBIS awards (Goblets of Goodness digital), and Mastering Me (pays for teachers to write and update and materials)

3.    Principal Report

  • Data review, current plan update
  • School Safety, Positive Behavior Plan and Digital Citizenship

4.    Counselor’s Report

  • Reagan Jewell absent, nothing pressing to report

5.    Faculty Report

  • Digital Literacy and Social Emotional curriculum update

6.    New Business

  • Next year-Stem Engineering class offering for 7th and 8th, no Dance
  • 6th grade elective wheel-study skills class instead of dance, two CCA classes
  • Can study skills class be remote for music kids that aren’t on the wheel? Yes, working on it
  • Address D’s and F’s with parents more
  • What frequency do parents want for Albion newsletter? SCC – every two weeks
  • Early out / late starts for next year – district still in discussion

7. Closing comments and Adjournment

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org