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Albion School Community Council Minutes

March 1, 2023 (postponed from February 22 due to snow day)

Albion Conference Room, 4:00pm


Members Present: Dr. M. Hart, Ms. Amanda Parker, Mr. Justin Matagi, Mrs. Robyn Holyoak, Mr. Dante Ross, Cherie Sadowski, Kevin Taylor, Sarah Allred, Ashley Anderson, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, Michelle Schmidt, Kim Steenblik, and Kim Wedlick.

Excused: Rachel Bills, Katie Dahle, Emily Decker and Melinda Rosevear.

Visitor: Nancy Tingey, CSD Board of Education


Call to Order – Cherie Sadowski conducting, meeting opened by Dr. Hart

Motion to approve agenda and January minutes by Kim Steenblik, 2nd  Michelle Schmidt, passed


General Business

  1. Educator of Excellence Awards were presented to Jenni Perkins, Nicole Rudes, Stephanie Nasser, and Amanda Parker at an assembly.
  2. Remaining meeting dates are March 29 and April 26 for 2023.


Principal Report

  1. Land Trust – finalized and signed plan for next year is due April 17. The difficulty is that we do not know the precise amount of funds that will be available, and the Legislature is still in session. Today, Dr. Hart received Albion’s FTE for next year, which is 35.75, this is a reduction from the current 37.5. Albion’s population is lowering while inflation costs are rising. There are 40+ students on Albion’s wait list, mostly 6th Once we know the available funds, we will have to juggle our expenses. Options could include moving one of our two Interventionists to an FTE position. Albion currently has eight teacher aides (about $10,000 each) which may be able to adjust their hours to cover after school tutoring.
  2. After discussion it was decided to keep our Interventionists and Aides as our highest priority. Adjustments will be made to provide as many funds as possible to pay for planning days, micro-credentials, tutoring, and other expenses. It was noted that a special grant has been received to fund a half-time counselor position.
  3. Albion’s mid-year testing data shows a good improvement in the Math Inventory scores from fall to winter. The Reading Inventory scores were similar during these time periods.
  4. Legislative update – The bill funding vouchers for private education passed. The income tax funds, originally earmarked for education, may be distributed among several stakeholders.
  5. Dr. Hart announced that she will be leaving Albion and CSD at the end of this academic year for another professional opportunity.


Counselor Report:

            Brighton High School is not looking to change from a trimester to a

            semester based schedule.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 5:05pm by Kevin T, 2nd Pat P., passed      


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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org