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Albion School Community Council Minutes

February 20, 2024

Albion Media Center, 4:00pm



Members Present:  Mr. Eric Gardner, Ms. Amanda Parker, Ms. Bailee Monteiro, Ms. Stephanie Nasser, Ms. Reagan Jewell, Ashley Anderson, Cristina Cook, Emily Decker, Anna Evensen, Stephanie Lewis, Pat Passey, Jessica Pohlman, and Kevin Taylor.  Absent:  Wes Novak & Lindsey Tait

Excused: Kim Steenblik, Rachel Bills, and Michelle Schmidt





Call to Order: Ashley Anderson, SCC Vice-Chair

Motion to approve agenda: Emily Decker, 2nd Kevin Taylor.  Passed

Motion to approve minutes: Stephanie Lewis, 2nd Stephanie Nasser. Passed


SCC Business:

  1. The teacher recognition subcommittee was pleased with the awards presented at the Noble Knight assembly. The final Noble Knight assembly is scheduled for April 9, 2024.
  2. A motion was made by Pat Passey, 2nd Cristina Cook to cancel our meetings planned for March and April. Passed. Our final meeting is scheduled for May 21 when we can review year-end testing results. (Our Land Trust and Teacher Student Success Plan is completed for the 2024-25 school year, meaning our business is done.)


Principal Report:

  1. February 26 the teachers will host a variety of fun activities for students with satisfactory/honors citizenship and fewer than six missing assignments. Approximately 180 students will participate in the study hall that afternoon for not meeting the goal. It was noted that students have been significantly motivated by the weekly rewards (like sodas) and are anxious to finish missing work.
  2. The next incentive rewards will be based on not having tardies in 2nd to 6th periods during the upcoming weeks.
  3. Gardner presented printed copies of the Albion Teacher and Student Success Plan and Land Trust Plan for 2024-25. He clarified, and we discussed, the expenditures noted on pages 4-5, 7 and 9. Especially noted is the Community Read planned for the next academic year. Students, parents, and Albion staff will all be encouraged to read The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri. Lessons and activities throughout the year will focus on this novel. The author will visit Albion for two days in the spring of 2025 to discuss this book with students. We may be able to have some copies available for parents to check-out from the library. Daniel Nayeri is also the author of Everything Sad Is Untrue.


Counselor Report:

  1. Course selections for the next academic year are being completed now.
  2. Honors English and mathematics courses are open to any student who wants to sign up, they have a different curriculum.


Closing Comments and Adjournment:

Plans are being made for our year-end activities. Lessons will continue until Friday, February 24, when Chromebooks will be checked in. On that day each grade level will have a final awards assembly for unique categories. It was suggested that students earning academic honors be recognized then also. Monday, May 27 is a holiday. Tuesday, May 28 is Lagoon Day for 8th graders while PTA will plan field day activities for the 6th and 7th grade students. On Wednesday, May 29, teams and teachers will plan activities. It was noted that graduation for Brighton High students will be that day at 2:00pm in the Maverick Center.  Thursday, May 30th is a half-day, with sixth graders excused because they started school one day before the remainder of the students. In future years a “formal day” activity may be planned for eighth graders.


Motion to adjourn at 5:05pm by Emily Decker, 2nd Anna Evensen. Passed.

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