Congratulations to Albion’s debate team on their first tournament of the year, “The Monster Mash” on October 22nd, 2020. Albion won first place in three out of the four events! Here are the students who beat 90% of their competition:
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- FIRST Place Overall and 1st Place Speaker Award – Summer Rees
- 2nd Place Overall- Luke Hodson
- 3rd Place Overall- Lily Auman
- 7th Place Overall and 3rd Place Speaker Award- Nash Wong
- 9th Place Overall and 6th Place Speaker Award- Lincoln Sletten
Oratory Speaking
- FIRST Place- Brin El-Bakri
- 2nd Place- Gavin Petersen
- 4th Place- Adrianna George
Policy Debate
- 3rd Place Overall Team- Mia Potter and Sydnie Barrett
- 2nd Place Speaker Award- Eddie Gardner
- 3rd Place Speaker Award- Jack Peterson
- 7th Place Overall Team- Parker Hunt and Sean Gillan
- 6th Place Speaker Award- William Buckley
Extemporaneous Speaking
- FIRST Place- Isaac Fauver
Congratulations debaters!