Albion Middle School Community Council September 29, 2021
Media Center @ 4:00 PM
- Call to Order and Approval of Agenda
- Meeting called to order at 4:08
- All members in attendance
- Motion to approve agenda: Melinda Rosevear, second Sarah Allred (April 2021 minutes approved by majority via email last spring)
- SCC Business
- Members and staff introduce themselves. Welcome to Amanda Parker, new vice principal and parent Kim Wedlick.
- Review Rules of Order and Bylaws. Update to current state and district codes. Adjust verbage to account for earlier starts to the school year. Parameters for elections established if needed in future years. Motion to set parent member maximum at 18: Kim Steenblik, second Sarah Allred. Member terms established with alternating years for consistent established council SCC’s asked to meet monthly per district request with a minimum of 4 meetings per year. Secretary to be changed from optional to necessary appointed member. Remove SIP and add TSSP. Add School Safety Plan and Positive Behaviors Plan to review items.
- Elect 2021-22 Chair and Vice Chair, approve secretary
- Chair: Cherie Sadowski – nomination by Melinda Rosevear. Accepted by Cherie. Second, Kim Steenblik. Unanimous approval vote.
- Vice-Chair: Misti Milner – nomination by Cherie Sadowski, accepted by Misti. Second, Melinda Rosevear. Unanimous approval vote.
- Secretary: Stephanie Nasser – nomination by Dr. Molly Hart. Accepted by Stephanie. Second, Kim Steenblik. Unanimous approval vote.
- PTSA liaison (optional): Dr. Hart will check with PTSA
- Proposed meeting calendar for the year
- October 27, December 1, January 26, February 23, March 30, April 27
- Principal Report
- Student Numbers: 956 total, no online Albion is beyond full. All permits are filled early December the previous school year, with many on the waiting list.
- Current positive COVID cases: 4 Numbers will be constantly watched and protocols followed if movement to Tier 2 or 3 should occur. Concerns voiced over mask wearers being singled out. Staff have not seen any disrespectful behavior and find most students fine with each other’s
- Aide positions unfilled. Also looking for cafeteria workers, bus drivers, substitute teachers Many jobs available with no takers.
- Medieval market working very Very popular with students and teachers. Donations for prizes are always welcome. Need to insure validity of being awarded the goblets of goodness. Should be earned and not handed out without merit.
- Asked how to uplift teachers and GC donations suggested. Also local business donation items, amazon wishlist fulfillment, teacher favorite lists posted Need to get this information out to parents so they can participate if they would like.
- Data Review, Cell Phone tower funds, TSSP and Land Trust review tabled for next meeting because meeting running over Review of Safe Walking Routes, School Safety and Digital Citizenship plans also moved to the October meeting.
- Counselor’s Report
- No Discussion moved to Second Step. No longer an option for Canyons. SEL curriculum to be tabled until Superintendent’s office directive. Staff highly in favor of Tier 1 SEL support and disappointed with the decision. Staff feels they have no say or backing from the district to meet student and staff needs. What to do now with the built in 20 minutes during 4th?
- Closing comments and Adjournment
- Motion to adjourn – Kim Second, Cherie Sadowski
- Meeting adjourned @ 5:15 m.
- Many stayed after to discuss Second Step and district SEL plans.